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Monday, December 27, 2004

I've spent time compiling a backlog of every post of Leticia's posts ever, and it's kind of closure. Should I read them all again though? It's just going to re-open every emotion I ever felt reading it (which was practically every emotion), and she's gone forever. Hm.

What I mean is, I've copied and pasted every word in case it disappears. I can live with memories, but not shadows of memories. I suppose I might print it out one day, or something.

Am I just an obsessive fool? *furrows brow*
I guess...

In brighter news, I'm decorating my room and it's slow slow slow going, which means my eyes are kinda glazed and my hands dusty. But it'll be gallery-white, with outlandish splashes of colour and inappropriate things glued to the walls. Sales receipts, road signs... And maybe I'll get my monkey bars!

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