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Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Comfort words are great sometimes. They feature in my personal (speaking) vocabulary way too much, and mean to me a warm, fleece-lined hug with someone so great at it as to render you a part of them for a minute. As in an imaginary, furry puppet filled with hot-water bottle entrails that radiate their heat onto you.

> Huggy (huggable, huggly, etc.)
> Snuggly (snugglicious)
> Cuddly
> Nuzzling

There's a lot more of course. It's simple too. Just take a word and infantilise it. If it sounds sufficiently gurgly then it's probably alright.

I know my saccharine-frosted world is painfully childish, and I can't stay there for extended periods of time either. But sometimes, I just want to curl into a secret and let the world flow over my head. And the best way to hide is behind a smile.

'a blaze of honesty is a fine decoy' - Steve Aylett, Shamanspace

It's a good thing to know. Misleading people is easier if you utilise the truth.

But yeah, using comfort words makes me feel part of a fantasy world, where everything is warm and friendly. I like it like that.

I love that. Sometimes I still curl up in bed and pretend stupid things in my head to take away the day. I'm 22, I don't think I'll ever stop doing it.
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