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Friday, November 12, 2004

Ever get the feeling you're not half as entertaining as you usually are?
Well, it's kind of interesting I guess. It makes me scared Daphney's gonna build up a wall of negative behind the exterior wall of amity. And it's going to peek over the top someday and I'll be like: 'woah... shit'. Because I'll have had no idea, and it'll be too late.

So I have to hang up quicker, and curb my speech and hope she'll stick around (which she will). Feels like I could possibly never be myself again, and then...

Anytime I get a glimpse of her true self it suns down happiness on me, and every stupid or irrelevant or nonsensical thing I say shuts that person up for someone else to find. Or even worse, for someone never to find.

I know I'm just a guy though, and that means.. Well it means a lot to me, and I'll have to talk about it some other time. The point is, I want a ladder into her (amazing) view of the world. Someone so fascinating needs my attention... Utmostly.

I almost fell out of my chair laughing at this post.

Don't get upset yet. Its because I think this is such a bunch of bullshit. Wait, that wasn't helpful in the "not getting upset" department.

This will help: YOU ARE AMAZING. Now, I know I don't know you "in real life" but as a very avid reader of what I take to be some fairly personal thoughts of yours, all that can be derived is that you are amazing. I don't know if this Daphney gets that. For your sake I hope she does. It is so hard to recognize how brilliant we are, how special as individuals, that we have that thing that makes other people want to love us and hold us dear. You have those qualities Fran. You just do.
Awwww thanks ^.^
*has nothing to say* I'll try to remember that...
I dont know if Im just being dim but I cant make head or tail of the post. Are you worried youre not good enough for her or are you worried shes a complete bitch but covers it up most of the time.

Either way you go the fact is the "real you" in any person will always surface so its best to be who you really are in the first place because youre only putting off the inevitable for someone else to find.

Theres nothing worse than going out with someone and in 2 years you find a different person than who you started going out with.

Im not sure about Daphney but Im reserving judgement for now.
Hm. I'm trying to say that yesterday I was just out of it from tiredness, and if I keep being so non-sensical (or boring) then she'll build up this gradual discontent.
And I know, I should just get more sleep.

I don't hide anything from her, so yeah. I think she realises (and hope she does) that I can't be completely normal or exciting or exuberant all the time.
If youre boring and non-sensical a lot then yeah, she'll tire of it. If its just a passing phase and shes a decent person then she'll hang in there. If its happening more and more and you dont know why, you need to make changes - like get out more, get some excercise - it always lifts a 'stuck in a rut' mood. Go jog the dog around the park once a day - that will help. You cant spend all your time doing schoolwork.
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