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Friday, October 08, 2004

Mmm, the alchemical properties of people.

Today was such a boring day. I managed to do all the wrong questions in physics, as well as getting a third late for the year (meaning a detention...). Chemistry was just long, as was German.

But I got home and saw that Etoile had linked me, and then I phoned my girl and chatted whimsically for an hour or so. That's really the central focus of our relationship: the phone. We can talk about anything, as long as it has almost no relevance to the world outside our coccoon.
So yeah, now I'm super-happy ^_^.

But apart from that, I think I'll talk about myself! (Isn't it so wonderfully narcissistic to have a blog?). It's one of my flaws that memories are so important. Losing one would be catastrophic, and missed opportunities haunt me.
This Summer, I was at the beach with my cousins. As we drove out of the carpark, an image floated across to me. She was so perfect it seems blurred with time, like it was too much to take in in the seconds we had. I grinned at her; she smiled back, and then we were gone.
What if she was amazing to me? If I had had the courage to stop the car, like in a movie or bad song. What would've happened?

Everyday I walk by hundreds or thousands of people. What chance do I ever have of finding someone who's 'right'?

Fran - Im back. I just spent over an hour reading through the archives. Really, really, really fantastic stuff there, Ive been absolutely gripped. And now im late to be somewhere..


Aw, thank you so much! I wish I had a way to sound more sincere without seeming ridiculous, but it really means a lot a lot to me that someone appreciates this. So I love your comments, and I'm in a fuzzy good mood, and... Y'know!
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