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Wednesday, September 15, 2004

hey... Birthday tomorrow so woo!
You know what? Today is great. Played basketball like a fire...
Although American psych-talk isn't my preference, I know what 'in the zone' is. And I was in the Zone. Somehow everything worked. We faced people who could play, surprised ourselves. I ran the wall, straight up, buried it after balancing with my forearm.

And then went to classes, talked to Lucinda. She's lovely.
I'm filled with love for everyone... Thanks almost-birthday!

I've been reading the Moth Diaries... It's really good so far.
What I don't get is 'unreliable narrator'. I mean... I get it in that I can analyse myself what the narrator describes and reach different conclusions. But, what I don't think I could cope with is a lying narrator... I mean fictional constructs are all 'lies' anyway, but...
But if the narrator was fictionally lying it makes the book invalid. If there's only one internal narrator, you must be willing to suspend your disbelief and accept their words...

So yeah.
But maybe it would be of interest to have a lying narrator?

I'm gonna go shower. I'm excited.

Hi Blogger Just read the post - this post and wanted to say hello!This is a photo of my gorgeous boy!
My Brayden
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